What’s on this week - Week 10
We are just 2 weeks away from the end of the term, however we still have a lot of work to get through. The refurbish of Rooms 13/14 is nearly completed and we hope to be in before the end of the term - very exciting. Parent Interviews are underway so let us know if you are waiting for a time and you haven’t heard. There will also be some Ki-O-Rahi practices this week with Matua for next week's tournament.
So here is what is happening this week.
Monday -
Breakfast Club,
Jump Jam,
Pedal Ready for Room 12 so can everyone bring along their bikes for sharing please.
Barb Whitburn in for Lesley K.
Tuesday -
Room 11 is off to Wellington [very cool!] for the day so remember to bring along all the things you need. Ball and Ball Tournament for those who are left [ Yr6’s and 5’s]
Technology at Makoura College. Covered shoes is a must and long hair tied back. Bring a pen / pencil. Year 6’s to Matua James for Science.
1pm Kapa Haka continues for all students interested. Matua James, Matua Frank, Whaea Lesley.
Wednesday -
Breakfast Club,
Jump Jam,
usual day
Thursday -
Breakfast Club,
Jump Jam,
Bat and Ball Tournament Postponement date
Friday -
Usual day
Whole School Assembly
Remember that we are happy to catch up if you need to clarify anything and remember to check out our Team Kahikatea Facebook page. This is a closed page so just send a request to join. There are some fab photos on there about all the exciting things we have been doing this term.
We also use it as a message board for each day.
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