Tuesday, 2 February 2016

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Other Information Team Kahikatea Room 13 and 14
Term 1   February 2016
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,
Welcome to Carterton School for 2016! We hope you and your family had a wonderful summer holiday and are ready for a busy year ahead!  

We have put together this newsletter to provide you with some key information about what’s happening in Room 13 and 14 this term and across Team Kahikatea.
For those of you who don’t already know; we (Lesley Kennedy and Melanie MacGregor) are team teaching Room 13 and Room 14, in the Hall and Library, until the refurbishment of the classrooms has been completed, which will be sometime this term.  We are two experienced teachers who have been working here at Carterton School for several years.  We have worked throughout the school, at most levels, however we especially enjoy working with our senior students, preparing them for college.  We will be combining both of our expertise to provide your child with a fantastic year of learning.  There will be times when we will both be doing whole class, large and small group and 1 to 1 teaching.  Most of the classroom work will be on Google Docs.  We both have high expectations for our students so they can be the best they can be.
It is wonderful to see the students back at school and enthusiastic about our upcoming learning and events. They are looking smart and tidy in their uniforms and we have been very impressed with how many students came to school with their hats!  Please support us by ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform every day, with pride!  As we begin the new year please ensure that all of your child’s school items are named clearly to avoid any loss of items, e.g. uniform, hat, stationery, lunch boxes, drink bottles etc… Remember school wide brimmed sunhats are compulsory for all of Term1 and Term 4.
This year we have had a change of staff in Team Kahikatea and I am looking forward to working with our new team, Lesley Kennedy, Raewyn Harnden and James Church.  Lesley and I are working in Room 14 and 13.  James is in Room 12 and Raewyn is in Room 11.  We are a strong group, sharing the values of leadership, respect and responsibility.  Throughout this year we will be working hard to prepare your child for their senior and college years ahead.  If you have any questions or concerns please do not  hesitate to come and speak to any of us.
This term our topic for inquiry is ‘Curiosity’.
This inquiry topic is about building curiosity through inquiry and developing the desire to gain knowledge and information.  This topic will be integrated into all curriculum areas and include an inquiry into The Treaty of Waitangi and ANZAC Day.   There will be some homework tasks will need to complete as part of this topic and your support will be very valuable.
We are aiming to develop independent learners—encouraging the students to be organised and responsible for their learning.  The  students will use a workbook (Communication Book) to record homework tasks, things they need to remember etc… This is also the best place for notes to me regarding absences, concerns etc.  They will also have a clear file to keep homework tasks and newsletters in.  Both of these items (the notebook and the clear file) will come to and from home on daily basis.  Please take time to check your child’s notebook daily to help them with their organisational skills.
Routine:  Homework will be set each week usually on a Monday.  The students are encouraged to work on these every night.  The homework will be collected in on Monday but marked on Tuesday morning.  In addition, there may also be weekly homework set by the Technology teachers from Makoura.
Homework Task One: We have handed out a questionnaire and a brainstorm that we would greatly appreciate your time in filling in as it will help us to get to know you and your child as we begin a new year.  Please send both back to school as soon as you have completed them.  Thank you!  Another option is that you could fill in the questionnaire at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2MPMBQV
Team Kahikatea’s swimming blocks are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:30pm—2:45pm from Week One to Week Six. So togs, towel and sensible walking shoes will be needed on these days.  Our school swimming sports are being held on Wednesday February 24th and those who qualify will go on to participate in the South Wairarapa Swimming Sports.  You are more than welcome to attend these swimming events.
Year 7 and 8 students attend technology sessions at Makoura College (Masterton) every Tuesday, during the morning session.  The Technology sessions cost $80 for the year.  This covers the cost of the equipment, resources and ingredients.  This cost is already added onto your stationery list.  If you are unable to pay this in full you can make part payments.  This can be paid to the office or by automatic payment.  Thank you.
Please be aware that students are required to wear covered shoes at Technology for safety reasons. If they do not have the suitable footwear they are not permitted to attend the session and will remain at school.   We have spoken to the students about these points and we trust they will take responsibility for themselves.
Once we have moved back into our classroom Room 13 will be using the school Library and Computer Room once a week on a Thursdays at 9:10 to 10:40.  While in the Library we will be working on inquiry, research and note taking skills.  All students are encouraged to issue 2 books. They may keep these books for up to 2 weeks.  Please help your child to use and care for our library books as well as return them promptly.  While in the Computer Room students will focus on inquiry, research, Google Docs and Blogging.  This term your student will be given a Google Doc’s address where their learning and classroom work will be inquired into, worked on and saved.  We hope that using the devices will make learning anytime and anyplace and that we can create and share our learning with others regularly.
· We will also be holding an overnight camp in March 10th (Week 6) so the staff, family and students within the team can get to know each other better.  We plan to start this camp with a family BBQ tea.  Further information about the venue, cost and parent help will follow shortly.
· We are having a camp at the end of the year to Camp Anderson at Riversdale and fundraising will begin soon.  More information will come out in future notices.
· During each term I am entitled to two Classroom Release Days on these days Ms Whitburn or Ms Taylor will be teaching in Room 13.  The dates for these are yet to be confirmed.
· The school Gala is on Friday the 26th of February and Room 13 will be running a stall.  Once the class has decided on the venture, we will send a note home to indicate what support we need.
· For PE this term we are doing Swimming, Jump Jam, Harriers and Triathlon training, so please encourage your child to wear sensible footwear to school or bring trainers/sneakers to put on when needed.  The school Triathlon is planned for Wednesday 9th March.
· Room 13 and 14 are joining together to be buddy classes with Room 9 and 10.  We are calling this session Tuakana/Teina (Big kids helping little kids).  We read, write and develop friendships with our buddies every Friday before lunch for about 20 minutes.  
· Reports will be sent home during Term 2 and Term 4.  They will look different to the usual report files.  Parent, child and teacher meetings will be held in Term 1 and Term 3.  
· The school day begins at 8.55.  Please make sure that your child is at school before the bell rings.   If your child is late to school they will need to go to the office for a Late Slip.
· The school newsletter is sent home each Tuesday to the youngest and/or only child in a family.  Please read it, as there is a lot of important information and dates on it. The newsletter can be emailed to you or you can find a link on the school website or we have a school app.  You will need to give Mrs Hutchings or Mrs Pratt your email address if you wish to receive the newsletter by email.  
· To help the school, your child and myself, please send notes to school about any sickness, absences or any other issues, as sending notes saves time and confusion.
· Head lice are an ongoing problem.  If your child is itching please check them and treat them if necessary.  We will have head lice checks in class if it is needed.  A note will be sent home if this is about to happen.
· If your child has Asthma, please send an inhaler to school.  The inhaler can be kept in my desk drawer or their school bag until it is needed.  Please let me know if your child has any medical conditions that I need to be aware of.
· If you have any questions, concerns or would like additional information about your child’s learning and progress, please come and see me at school.  I recommend that you come between 8.15 and 8:45am.  Although on Tuesday mornings the staff have an Administration Meeting in the Staffroom from 8:00 until 8:30 so I will not be in classroom until 8:30 on Tuesday mornings.  Or please come to see me between 3.00 and 4:30pm, as I will usually be in the classroom, staffroom or the Library, preparing or assessing work.  Please remember Team Kahikatea meets on a Tuesday at 3:30 and on Wednesday afternoons we have Professional Learning Staff Meetings which begin at 3:30 so I will be unavailable at those times also.  I am on Gate Duty every Friday so I need to be at the gate soon after the 3:00 bell.  If you need to see me could you please wait until I return which should be about 3:15.
I am really looking forward to a productive term full of learning and engagement!  Please do not hesitate to contact me at school, on 379 4010, or at home, on 379 6624 (before 9:00pm) or you could email me at mmacgregor@carterton.school.nz if you have anything to discuss.
Teachers and parents working together make a powerful combination!
Learning together to achieve success.
Nga mihi,

Melanie MacGregor

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