What’s on this week - Week 7 - Term 4
A much quieter week this week - so enjoy before the Christmas rush!
Monday / Rᾱhina - Breakfast club,
Tuesday / Rᾱtū - Technology at Makoura College for yr 7 and 8 students. All long hair tied up and covered shoes are a must. A container if you are cooking please.
Yr 6’s from Rms 12/13 will be with Mrs MacGregor for Enviro
Wednesday / Rᾱapa - Breakfast Club, Jump Jam, Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock. Mufti-day - Bring a donation for Jack who is fundraising to go to Australia for running, or a can of food for the Carterton Food Bank. Jack has raffles that will be sold Wednesday also.
Thursday / Rᾱpare - Breakfast Club is open. Jump Jam.
Friday / Rᾱmere - Sausage Sizzle (Team fundraising)
We are working through camp costs as the moment and will let you know about your camp refund as soon as we can. Sorry for the delay but there is a lot to consider.
Have a great week Team Kahikatea!
Here are some up and coming dates for your calendars
Saturday 26th November - Carterton Christmas Parade - more info to follow
Sunday 27th - The Garden Trail - tickets are on sale now.
Tuesday 29th - Regional Athletics
Monday 5th December - Moving On Conference for all Yr 8’s - Kuranui College
Thursday 8th December- Year 8 Speeches and Social
Friday 9th - Reports go home
Monday 11th - Kapa Haka at the Events Centre
Wednesday 14th - Final Certificate Assembly at the Events Centre at 9.15am
Thursday 15th - Last day of school and Prize Giving at the Events centre [time TBC]
School finishes at 12 noon.