Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Year 6 Drama in the hall

From Tuesday until Friday of this week the Year 6 students from Room 13 and 12 are putting on some plays for the rest of the school.  Here are some photos from the rehearsals.

This is the audience we had on Tuesday to watch the play 'The Best Chef'.    It was a great start to the performances.


3R Reward Today

Today (if there is no rain) the children who have been keeping our 3Rs all of Term 3 will be receiving their reward time. This term (and next term) the reward will be time on the WBS blow up bouncy slide. We have so many students who keep our 3Rs all the time, it is important they know we notice them, and to say 'Well done!'. Anyone who has consistently kept the 3Rs this term, will get time on the slide. Children who are not on the slide will have a choice of activities to take part in with one of their teachers. The children know this is the reward for this term. If they have not made it this term - they have every chance to do so in Term 4. Come on everyone, you can do it!

Monday, 19 September 2016

Action Figure Inquiry

Here are some of the prototypes made for the Action Figure Challenge.

Great ideas.
Great planning.
Great creating.

And most of them made the Action Figure move over one metre.

Well done!

The Last Two Groups for the Just Cook Challenge

One group made Fruit Kebabs and the other group made Chicken Tacos.

A big 'thank you' to all whanau who sent along the items needed for the cooking challenge.

What is on this week? Week 9

What’s on this week - Week 9 - Term 3 (Last week for this term) 

Monday / Rᾱhina -
Breakfast Club is open, 
Kapahaka last 2 blocks with Whaea Lesley and Matua Frank. 

Tuesday / Rᾱtū - 
Technology at Makoura College for Yr 7 and 8 students. All long hair tied up and covered shoes are a must. A container if you are cooking please. This will be the student’s last rotation. 
B.O.T. meeting at 7pm in the Staffroom - all welcome. 

Wednesday / Rᾱapa - 
Breakfast Club, 
Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock. 
Obstacle Course fun activity for those who have continually shown our 3 R’s for the last 2 terms. 

Thursday / Rᾱpare - 
Breakfast Club is open. 

Friday / Rᾱmere - 
Whole School assembly for Student’s of the Term, BOT Award, Principal Award, plus certificates for outstanding monitors, Road Patrollers, Fuss Busters, plus other outstanding children acknowledged.
School finishes for the term at 3pm. 

Chocolate money is due in please, plus there are still a large number of chocolates that have been ordered but not taken yet. You will receive a note this week letting you know what is owing and what your child has earned off their camp fees. 

Hopefully I haven't missed out too much but will keep you up to date everyday. 

Have a great week and have a safe and happy holiday break -Team Kahikatea.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016