Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Bake Sale

Wow! Thank you for supporting Room 8's bake sale today. They made just over $400.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Food for Thought Shared Lunch

Recently Room 11 and the Year 6 students from Room 12 and 13 have been learning about  healthy eating and healthy food choices through a programme called ‘Food for Thought’.

On Thursday the students will conclude their learning by making a healthy lunch to share. So if your child is in this group then can you please send to school with your child their morning tea and a light lunch, just in case they don't like the options that the students have planned.  The food for this shared lunch has been provided by ‘Food for Thought’ and New World.

If you are available to help prepare the food please send a message to Mrs Harnden or Mrs MacGregor.
We will start to prepare the food at 10:40 ready for the students to eat at 12:00.

If you have any questions please ask.

Thank you.

Food for Thought Shared Lunch

Recently Room 11 and the Year 6 students from Room 12 and 13 have been learning about  healthy eating and healthy food choices through a programme called ‘Food for Thought’.

On Thursday the students will conclude their learning by making a healthy lunch to share. So if your child is in this group then can you please send to school with your child their morning tea and a light lunch, just in case they don't like the options that the students have planned.  The food for this shared lunch has been provided by ‘Food for Thought’ and New World.

If you are available to help prepare the food please send a message to Mrs Harnden or Mrs MacGregor.
We will start to prepare the food at 10:40 ready for the students to eat at 12:00.

If you have any questions please ask.

Thank you.

Food For Thought - Visit to the Supermarket

A big thanks to Carterton New World for having us at their store on Monday, so we could practice our label reading and so we could see the types of fruit and vegetables available.   

The Soccer Goal is still being used heaps

Rippa Rugby with Doug Bracewell

We got the chance to play Rippa with Doug Bracewell and his helpers today.  Next Tuesday we are having another turn.  Lots of fun!

Bake Sale Tomorrow (Wednesday 31st)

Please support Room 8 with their fundraising. Send along some money to school tomorrow. They are fundraising to go to Pukaha Mount Bruce.  All items are $1.  
Thank you.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Visited Swimming Today with Maia and Rebecca.

I had the chance today to go and see some Room 13 students swim today at the Carterton Club.  Wow! Talented swimmers!

What is on this Week? Week 6

What’s on this week - Week 6 - Term 3

Monday / Rᾱhina -
Breakfast Club is open,
new homework given out.  
Food for Thought Yrs 5 and 6 students.  
Learning Block Two: Year 5 and 6 Kapa Haka students from Room 11, 12 and 13 ‘Food for Thought’ nutrition visit to the supermarket.
Learning Block Four:  Year 5 and 6 Non Kapa Haka students from Room 11 and 13 ‘Food for Thought’ nutrition visit to the supermarket.  
Kapahaka last 2 blocks with Whaea Lesley and Matua Frank.  
Welcome Ms Whitburn to Room 13 for classroom release.

Tuesday / Rᾱtū -
Technology at Makoura College for Yr 7 and 8 students.  All long hair tied up and covered shoes are a must. A container if you are cooking please.  
Yr 6’s from Rms 12/13 will be with Mrs MacGregor brainstorming and putting forward ideas for a nutritions shared lunch for those involved in the ‘Food for Thought’ programme, drama and leadership skills.  
Lunchtime: Year 5 and 6 Rippa/Touch game with Doug Bracewell TBC
Whanau Hui in the school staffroom 6 -7 pm.  Childcare is provided in Akomanga - see you there.

Wednesday / Rᾱapa -  
Breakfast Club,
Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock.

Thursday / Rᾱpare -
Year 7 EOTC caving at Pukaha Mt Bruce.
Breakfast Club is open.
Shared Lunch for those involved in ‘Food for Thought’

Friday / Rᾱmere -
Year 8 EOTC practice tramp.
Sausage Sizzle order on the S.L.S. deck before school,
Whole School Assembly,
Friday sports for all students from Yr 3 to 7- T.B.C.

Please note that chocolates sell for $2.00 each bar.  I see students out selling chocolates - awesome and remember to keep safe.
Bring in your money as soon as you have sold your box so I can take the $24.00 off your camp fees and give you your next box - if you have ordered.  If you want more, but haven’t ordered - let me know and I may be able to give you another box.

All Year 7’s and 8’s received an EOTC notice last week.  The Year 7’s finally have a date for Caving at Mt Bruce and the Year 8’s have their first practice tramp to Rocky Lookout.  Please return them by Tuesday.  This year we have had to give out a lot of extra notices because they get misplaced etc, plus continually chase up students to get notices returned to school.  Please help us out by getting them back ASAP - thanks.

Tramping Boots are on sale at the Warehouse yr 8’s.  If you’re stuck for a pack - let me know.

Have a great week Team Kahikatea.

Weekend Sport

I went to watch some rugby and netball over the weekend. Pretty talented players. Congratulations on your win Under 11's.

The Olympic Reading and Fitness Challenge Finishes This Week

Room 13 Reading and Fitness Challenge finishes on Wednesday 31st August (That is this week). Remember every 20 minutes exercise and 100 pages you read earns an Olympic Mascot and every two mascots earns a medal. You can earn more than one set of medals. Keep reading everyone. Gold is the goal.

Friday, 26 August 2016

The Haka Competition is on Today.

Room 13 house groups went out and had a run through of the haka so that we are ready for the Haka House Group Challenge today.  They were looking and sounding amazing!  Well done to the students who took on the leadership role in each group.
Thanks to Luke who came in and helped the Weka house group to learn it.

A couple of Disco Photos

A big thank you to the students who organised and helped at the disco.
It was a good fundraiser for camp.
Thanks to the whanau who supported this event also.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Two Nutrition Sessions with Nova

Session One
The food pyramid and servings

Session Two
Reading labels and how much sugar is in drinks.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

The Lastest Newsletter

Go onto our school website and have a look at our latest Newsletter.  Three awesome Room 13 students are featured on it.
Congratulations!  Your maths skills are amazing!

PTA Fish and Chip Night

The PTA are hosting a 'Fish and Chip ' evening on Friday 16 September. Come along to the hall, bring your tea and catch up with other families in a relaxed atmosphere. Cake and ice blocks provided - and some entertainment for the children! This is especially a great night for families new to our school, you can meet others in a relaxed environment. PTA. Put it in your diary now!

Lucky Book Club came home today

Book Club - Lucky Book Clubs order forms will be sent home this week. All credit card orders to be completed online and cash orders to Kristi Hiles in Hub Two. The school has had great feedback about ordering online and how easy it is. These orders also get delivered to school. The last day to order will be Friday 2nd September. Any queries see Kristi Hiles in Hub 2.

Image result for lucky book club issue 3 2016

Monday, 22 August 2016


Disco this Wednesday, 24th August, 7pm until 9pm in our School Hall fir Year 3-8. $2 entry. Glow sticks, food and drinks for sale. Fundraising goes towards our end of year camp.

Carterton Crier - Matthew made an appearance on Page 3

Kids soak up clean water message

Enviro Schools Facilitator, Esther Dijkstra ran The Wetlands Project, a day of activity for primary school children, at the Events Centre on July 8. In morning workshops the children experimented with the effects of pollution on streams and stream life. They played games identifying plants and birds and competed in teams to make a kite from natural materials in thirty minutes. In the afternoon they visited a wetland area to plant trees. “Unfortunately for us the rain dumped water on us,” Esther said. “We managed to plant one tree.” Esther, a self-employed soil scientist, has worked with schools in the Wairarapa for the past eight years to help children understand more about water quality and what people can do to help clean it up. As well she works with the Carterton District Council monitoring the progress of land currently irrigated with treated waste water. She’s also involved with the Ruamahanga Whaitua community group set up to negotiate with communities on the future management of land and water in the Ruamahanga catchment. These decisions feed into the Wellington Regional Council’s natural resources plan. Esther’s university education in her homeland, the Netherlands, and that country’s experience of pollution prepared her well for her work in New Zealand. “A lot of issues we had in the 80s and 90s in the Netherlands are surfacing in New Zealand now.” Rivers full of dumped chemical waste flow from other countries into the Netherlands, she said. “New Zealand is wiser in that respect and problems are more easily controllable.” “I enjoy working with children. They are very receptive. They soak it all up. We want to empower them. We work with them to come up with an idea and then work with the idea and turn it into action. Jan Farr

The rain maker. Ollie makes rain in the model of the mountains to the sea, as pupils see soil washed out to sea, destroying fish food sources. Photo Don Farr.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

What is on this week? Week 5

What’s on this week - Week 5 - Term 3

Monday / Rᾱhina -
Breakfast Club is open,
new homework given out.  
Food for Thought Yrs 5 and 6 students.  
Kapahaka last 2 blocks with Whaea Lesley and Matua Frank.  

Tuesday / Rᾱtū -
Technology at Makoura College for Yr 7 and 8 students.  All long hair tied up and covered shoes are a must. A container if you are cooking please.  
Yr 6’s from Rms 12/13 will be with Mrs MacGregor for your second Food For Thought nutrition lesson, Drama and Leadership skills.  

Wednesday / Rᾱapa -  
Breakfast Club,
Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock.
Some students will be helping run the Junior Disco at 12.
School Disco in the hall for yrs 3 - 8 start time 7pm and finishes at 9am.  $2.00 entry fee, glow sticks, snacks and drinks available.

Thursday / Rᾱpare -
Breakfast Club is open.
Otago Problem Solving for some students.  

Friday / Rᾱmere -
Sausage Sizzle order on the S.L.S. deck before school,
Friday sports for all students from Yr 3 to 8 - T.B.C.

Please note that chocolates sell for $2.00 each bar.  I see students out selling chocolates - awesome and remember to keep safe.
Bring in your money as soon as you have sold your box so I can take the $24.00 off your camp fees and give you your next box - if you have ordered.  If you want more, but haven’t ordered - let me know and I may be able to give you another box.

All Year 7’s and 8’s received an EOTC notice last week.  The Year 7’s finally have a date for Caving at Mt Bruce and the Year 8’s have their first practice tramp to Rocky Lookout.  Please return them this week.  This year we have had to give out a lot of extra notices because they get misplaced etc, plus continually chase up students to get notices returned to school.  Please help us out by getting them back ASAP - thanks.

Tramping Boots are on sale at the Warehouse yr 8’s.

Have a great week Team Kahikatea.

Haka World Record

Are you free on the 8th September to come up to Masterton to be part of the Haka World record?

We need a couple of parents per class to come with us to help with supervision.  

Our whole school is going up to be part of this attempt at the world record.

We are travelling up and back on the bus.

If you are available and keen to spend the day with us and to be part of this amazing event please let your child's teacher know.  We need two parents per class.

Thank you.

Olympic Reading and Fitness Challenge

For the past 2 weeks and up until the 31st August Room 13 students are doing a 'reading and fitness challenge' to earn gold, silver and bronze medals.  We have been working on this in class time but we are now extending it to include fitness and reading at home.  Here is how it works: For every 100 pages read and 20 minutes fitness complete they earn an Olympic mascot.  Two Olympic mascots gain one medal.  So the more reading and fitness completed the more chance there is to reach a gold medal.  You can earn more than one set of medals.  So keep reading Room 13 students.  This challenge ends on the 31st August for our medal ceremony.