What’s on this week - Week 9Term 2 (10 days until the holidays!)
Monday / Rᾱhina -
Breakfast Club is open,
Usual day at school,
homework given out and last week's returned completed.
Kapahaka last 2 blocks with Whaea Lesley and Matua Frank.
Tuesday / Rᾱtū -
8.20 Basketball practice on the courts for our Yr 7 and 8 team.
Technology at Makoura College for yr 7 and 8 students. All long hair tied up and covered shoes are a must.
Yr 6’s from Rms 12/13 will be with Mrs MacGregor for Drama,Enviro (projects) and Leadership skills,
Careers and Languages last block.
7pm - Board of Trustees meeting in the Staffroom - welcome to our new board members.
Wednesday / Rᾱapa -
Breakfast Club,
Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock
Thursday / Rᾱpare -
8.20am Basketball practice on the courts for our senior team.
Breakfast Club is open.
Friday / Rᾱmere -
Sausage Sizzle order on the S.L.S. deck before school.
Friday sports for all students from Yr 3 to 8.
Have we got your email address so we can send you your child’s report at the end of Week 9? Please check that we have.
If you do not have an email address let us know so we can print off your child’s report for you.
Also let us know if you require a copy for another family member.
Please remember that if you have any concerns - contact your child’s teacher. If they are not available please get in touch with Mrs Woollard directly.
Regards Lesley, Mel, Raewyn and James