What’s on this week - Week 9
Remember to walk / bike / scoot to school to get your stamps for Movin’ March.
This week we are doing the ‘Pedal Ready’ programme with Pedal Ready. We would like all students who have bikes and helmets to bring them along each day. [Wednesday / Thursday / Friday and Monday next week ] Although they will not be using them at school each day, we were hoping that other students who do not have their own bike in our team could borrow them, under supervision, when it is their class turn.
Wednesday -
Walking School Bus from Belvedere Dairy
Breakfast Club,
Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock
Pedal Ready - all bring bikes and helmets.
Room 14 - 9-12pm,
Rm 13 - 12.50 to 2.50pm.
Thursday -
Breakfast Club,
EOTC for Year 8’s. Everyone going to meet in the Library after roll call at 8.55am. We will be leaving ASAP from there. Lesley Kennedy is Teacher in Charge. Yr 7’s from Room 14 will be in Room 12 for the day. All other classes remain the same.
Pedal Ready - Rm 11 from 9am to 12pm. Rm 13 - 12.50 - 2.50pm
Friday -
EOTC for Year 6’s. Everyone going can meet in the Library after roll call. Raewyn Harnden and James Church will be Teachers in Charge. All remaining students will be in the Hall with Wendy Taylor and Mel MacGregor.
Team sports - afternoon.
Monday - Week 10
Breakfast Club - we still require parent support.
Pedal Ready Rm 12 - 9am to 12pm. After school Rippa Tournament.
All EOTC forms and money and transport are due. Please return these as we are still short transport for Yr 6’s.
Please return interview times to your child's teacher. These interviews are 30 minutes and require teacher / child / whanau to be present.
Please check out our Facebook page. Team Kahikatea. If you would like to join, forward a request as this is a closed page.