Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Last Week Events

Movin' March Decorated Bike and Scooter Day. 
A visit from Jack the Kaka.

Pedal Ready Today

Today the Pedal Ready instructors took us for Grade One in bike safety and use.  We learnt about helmet safety, checked our helmets and fitted them correctly.  We then learnt how to do a bike check, checked our bikes and then learnt how to be get on and off safely.  We learnt how to turn and check over our right shoulder safely.
A great day!
(We are finishing off our learning tomorrow afternoon - Remember to bring your bike and helmet)

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Sausage Sizzle Helpers

Image result for sausage
In Week 8 I sent home a Sausage Sizzle note requesting parent/whanau and caregiver help. We still have some gaps. It is every Friday during Term 2. Let me know if you can do a Friday and I will make up the roster.
This was the message on the note:

It is Team Kahikatea’s turn to run the Friday sausage sizzle and we require parent/whanau and caregiver assistance to run the sausage sizzle successfully. The money we raise goes towards Team Kahikatea’s end of year camp to Camp Anderson at Riverdale. Students whose parent/caregiver’s assist with the sausage sizzle will receive $10 off their camp fee.
When it is your turn to do the sausage sizzle, your role will be:
To get the BBQ, bread, sauce and napkins ready
To work with another parent and your child to cook the sausages on the BBQ
Deliver sausages and juicies to the Junior classes
Serve sausages and juicies to older students
Clean up.

You would need to be at school by 11:15 (lunch starts at 12:00) and you should be finished by 1:00pm.

I will get back to you by Week 10 with a timetable of helpers.
Remember the more people who volunteer, the lighter the load for everybody.
Thank you,
Melanie MacGregor
Image result for sausage sizzle

What is on this Week? Week 9 (and Week 10 Monday)

What’s on this week - Week 9
Remember to walk / bike / scoot to school to get your stamps for Movin’ March.

This week we are doing the ‘Pedal Ready’ programme with Pedal Ready. We would like all students who have bikes and helmets to bring them along each day. [Wednesday / Thursday / Friday and Monday next week ] Although they will not be using them at school each day, we were hoping that other students who do not have their own bike in our team could borrow them, under supervision, when it is their class turn.

Wednesday - 
Walking School Bus from Belvedere Dairy
Breakfast Club, 
Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock
Pedal Ready - all bring bikes and helmets. 
Room 14 - 9-12pm, 
Rm 13 - 12.50 to 2.50pm.

Thursday - 
Breakfast Club, 
EOTC for Year 8’s. Everyone going to meet in the Library after roll call at 8.55am. We will be leaving ASAP from there. Lesley Kennedy is Teacher in Charge. Yr 7’s from Room 14 will be in Room 12 for the day. All other classes remain the same. 
Pedal Ready - Rm 11 from 9am to 12pm. Rm 13 - 12.50 - 2.50pm

Friday - 
EOTC for Year 6’s. Everyone going can meet in the Library after roll call. Raewyn Harnden and James Church will be Teachers in Charge. All remaining students will be in the Hall with Wendy Taylor and Mel MacGregor. 
Team sports - afternoon.

Monday - Week 10
Breakfast Club - we still require parent support. 
Pedal Ready Rm 12 - 9am to 12pm. After school Rippa Tournament.

All EOTC forms and money and transport are due. Please return these as we are still short transport for Yr 6’s.
Please return interview times to your child's teacher. These interviews are 30 minutes and require teacher / child / whanau to be present.
Please check out our Facebook page. Team Kahikatea. If you would like to join, forward a request as this is a closed page.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Wednesday Reminders

Just remember to bring your bike and helmet on Wednesday and Thursday this week for Pedal Ready.  Room 13 is doing Pedal Ready from 12:40 to 3:00 on both days.

Also Week 8 Homework is due in on Wednesday.  We will be marking this first thing on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Mufti Day Thursday

Mufti day tomorrow gold coin donation for Cassius who is a brother of one of our juniors. He needs equipment to help his growth and development.
Image result for money coins nz 2016

Sunday, 20 March 2016

A Visit to our New Room...

Last week we were asked to move some books in our rooms so the painters could paint.  
So we got to have a look at the new rooms....EXCITING!!!!!

Decorated Shoe Day Last Thursday for Movin' March

Some of the Senior students had decorated shoes for Movin' March last Thursday.  Great effort guys!

EOTC - Year 7 EOTC Day

EOTC with the Year 7's on Friday.
What a fantastic group of Year 7's we have at Carterton School. They worked together so well, showed respect for each others, cooperated with one another and had an absolutely fabulous time learning about river safety and how to build a raft. Thanks to Glen Beach for providing the day for us. A big thank you to the parents who provided transport Dean, Kim, Johanna and Susanna. We appreciate your time and support.

What is on this Week? - Week 8

Whats on this week - Week 8 

Remember to walk / bike / scoot to school to get your stamps for Movin’ March. 

Monday - 
Breakfast Club.
Hearing Testing for some students.
We will be delivering Pie pamphlet order forms around town if any parents can come along and help.  
Ms Taylor is in class for Mrs MacGregor (CRT Day)

Tuesday - 
Decorated bikes and Jack the Kaka.
Yr 5/6/7/8 practice for Ki O Rahi 1st block - this leads to a Tournament on 14th April. Technology at Makoura College. Covered shoes is a must and long hair tied back. Bring a pen / pencil. Year 6’s to Matua James for Science. 
1pm Kapa Haka continues for all students interested. Matua James, Matua Frank, Whaea Lesley. 
Yr 6 and 8 EOTC forms need to be back and parent support / transport is needed please. 
B.O.T.Meeting at 7pm in the Staffroom. 

Wednesday -
Walking School bus at 8am meet at the Belvedere Dairy. 
Breakfast Club. 
Colouring Competition for Movin' March due in today.
Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock and Audrey in the first block.

Thursday - 
Breakfast Club, Mufti day and Whole School Assembly. 

Friday - 
Good Friday - we will be back at school on Wednesday 30th March. 

All homework is being given out as a paper copy as I am finding it difficult to transfer the homework to docs. 
I will share a PDF file with you if you need one, however your child will need to make a doc. Let us know. 

Happy Easter!

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Decorated Shoes

Decorate your shoes, socks or gumboots and bring them to school today, as part of Movin' March. 

We will have a parade at Morning Tea time in the Hall to show off what you have created.

Image result for decorated shoesImage result for decorated shoes

Big Day Out and Sleepover Photos

Going to Masterton on the bus

At Masterton Park

 The Sleepover

 Supper Time

Walking School Bus Wednesday 16.3.13

Thanks to the students who joined the walking school bus on Wednesday.  See you next Wednesday.

Swimming Sports in Masterton Last Night

Congratulations to all of our swimmers for competing in Masterton last night.  You did so well!
We are very proud of you all!

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Pie Throw

We ran out of time and shaving cream for Team Kahikatea yesterday, so if all of the photos are finished in the last block today (Wednesday) we will have our turn.  Bring along your $1.

School Photos Today

School photos today. Make sure everyone has the correct school uniform.Image result for camera