Sunday, 20 November 2016

What is on this week? Week 7

What’s on this week - Week 7 - Term 4

A much quieter week this week - so enjoy before the Christmas rush!

Monday / Rᾱhina - Breakfast club,

Tuesday / Rᾱtū - Technology at Makoura College for yr 7 and 8 students.  All long hair tied up and covered shoes are a must. A container if you are cooking please.
Yr 6’s from Rms 12/13 will be with Mrs MacGregor for Enviro

Wednesday / Rᾱapa -  Breakfast Club, Jump Jam, Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock.   Mufti-day - Bring a donation for Jack who is fundraising to go to Australia for running, or a can of food for the Carterton Food Bank.  Jack has raffles that will be sold Wednesday also.

Thursday / Rᾱpare - Breakfast Club is open. Jump Jam.

Friday / Rᾱmere - Sausage Sizzle (Team fundraising)

We are working through camp costs as the moment and will let you know about your camp refund as soon as we can.  Sorry for the delay but there is a lot to consider.
Have a great week Team Kahikatea!

Here are some up and coming dates for your calendars
Saturday 26th November - Carterton Christmas Parade - more info to follow
Sunday 27th - The Garden Trail - tickets are on sale now.
Tuesday 29th - Regional Athletics
Monday 5th December - Moving On Conference for all Yr 8’s - Kuranui College
Thursday 8th December- Year 8 Speeches and Social
Friday 9th - Reports go home
Monday 11th - Kapa Haka at the Events Centre
Wednesday 14th - Final Certificate Assembly at the Events Centre at 9.15am
Thursday 15th - Last day of school and Prize Giving at the Events centre [time TBC]

School finishes at 12 noon.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Carterton Farmers Market this Morning

I spent the morning at the Carterton Farmers Market on our School Stall with the totally wonderful Trisha Bullock. A lovely morning. The sun was out and it was a lovely relaxing way to start the day.
We sold half of the plants that we took along and a couple of tickets sold for the Garden Trail. The money for the plants will go back into buying more plants/seed/soil for our school kitchen gardens. Thanks to everyone that came along and supported us and the market. A good morning at the market.

Athletics Tomorrow (Monday)

A reminder to the students to bring their permission slips tomorrow morning.  Mrs Hull will be collecting the forms.
The bus will be leaving at 9am , or very close to that time . Emily and Paige will give out PE tops at the staffroom door . There won't be enough for everyone , so school green top to be worn otherwise.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

What's on this Week? Week 5 - Term 4

What’s on this week - Week 5 - Term 4

Monday / Rᾱhina -
Breakfast club,
School Athletics - weather permitting.  

Tuesday / Rᾱtū -
Ms Whitburn in Room 14
Technology at Makoura College for yr 7 and 8 students.  All long hair tied up and covered shoes are a must. A container if you are cooking please.
Yr 6’s from Rms 12/13 will be with Matua James (Bring a change of clothes if you are painting)

Wednesday / Rᾱapa -  
Home Garden Judging today,
Breakfast Club,
Jump Jam,
Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock.  
Camp Parent / Whanau Meeting in Room 14 at 7pm.  This meeting is for all parents coming to camp plus anyone else who would like further information.

Thursday / Rᾱpare -
Breakfast Club is open,
Jump Jam.

Friday / Rᾱmere -
Mrs MacGregor on Classroom Release - Ms Whitburn teaching
Sausage Sizzle (Camp fundraising),
Chess Tournament in the Hall - Sausage Sizzle, Drinks, Chocolates available for purchase for Chess Players in the Hall.

Camp Waimanaaki - forms are due back this week so we can finalise numbers for activities, health and dietary requirements, tent groups etc.  If you haven’t contacted us regarding your child not going to camp - please do so ASAP.  Camp Fees are due Monday of Week 6.  We will be going to camp wet or fine [fingers crossed for awesome weather].

Please can I have all chocolate money in this week unless you have contacted me personally. If you would like more to sell - just let me know.

Camp Waimanaaki countdown - 1.5 weeks to go!

Have a great week Team Kahikatea!

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Monday, 31 October 2016

So much happening in Week 2 and 3

Room 13 Athletics - Long Jump 

 Sorry I didn't get everyone.  My timing was not the best and I missed a few jumps.

Star Students - Before the 8:55 bell rings


Our first and second week of Jump Jam.  We have some great leaders.

We discovered the new safety padding had hopscotch on it.

Visiting the Kapa Haka Festival 
- Jack and Lucas entered a challenge between items.  


We had our turn at running the school assembly.  Well done assembly team.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

What is on This Week? Week 4

What’s on this week - Week 4 - Term 4

Monday / Rᾱhina -
Breakfast club,
Jump Jam,  

Tuesday / Rᾱtū -
Technology at Makoura College for yr 7 and 8 students.  All long hair tied up and covered shoes are a must. A container if you are cooking please.
Yr 6’s from Rms 12/13 will be with Matua James.

Wednesday / Rᾱapa -  
Breakfast Club,
Jump Jam,
Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock.  
Haka World Cup - all permission slips back please.  You can also Txt us.

Thursday / Rᾱpare -
Breakfast Club is open.
Jump Jam. High Jump Practice - come prepared.

Friday / Rᾱmere -
Sausage sizzle (Camp fundraising),
School Athletics info to go onto Facebook.

Camp Waimanaaki - forms are going home this week and need to be back at school by Friday.  Camp Fees are due Monday of Week 6.

Please can I have all chocolate money in this week unless you have contacted me personally. If you would like more to sell - just let me know.

Camp Waimanaaki countdown - 2.5 weeks to go!

Have a great week Team Kahikatea!

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

What’s on this week - Week 3 - Term 4

What an awesome start to Term 4 with Pet Week.

Monday / Rᾱhina - Labour Day

Tuesday / Rᾱtū - Technology at Makoura College for yr 7 and 8 students.  All long hair tied up and covered shoes are a must. A container if you are cooking please.
Yr 6’s from Rms 12/13 will be with Matua James.

Wednesday / Rᾱapa -  All students going to Brooklyn need to be at school by 8.30 - ready to go.
Breakfast Club, Jump Jam, Gardening Group with Mrs Bullock

Thursday / Rᾱpare - Breakfast Club is open. Jump Jam.

Friday / Rᾱmere - Sausage sizzle (Camp fundraising), Team Assembly, Team Athletics last block - weather permitting

Brooklyn Exchange - Wednesday - All money - $5 and permission slips to Mrs Mac.
Students need to be at school by 8,30am and will return around 4.15 / 4.30 pm so any bus students or student usually picked up will need a later pick please.

Please can I have all chocolate money in this week unless you have contacted me personally. If you would like more to sell - just let me know.

Camp Waimanaaki countdown - 3.5 weeks to go!

Have a great week Team Kahikatea!

Monday, 24 October 2016

Brooklyn Exchange

Brooklyn Exchange - Last week there was some information that went home about our annual Brooklyn Exchange on Wednesday the 26th - This Wednesday. 
We will be travelling by bus and do not expect to return to school until around 4 / 4.30ish. This is mainly for the Years 7 and 8 students - but we will be asking some younger students in our team to come along as well. 
There is a $5 charge for the bus. The permission note and $5 needs to be given to Mrs MacGregor as soon as possible. Thank you. It is going to be a fantastic day!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

So much happening Week One Term 4

What a day! So much happening at Carterton School... Welcome (to Carterton School) Powhiri, handball games, chess challenges, Kapa Haka practice, art creation put up and the sun was shining. What a great day!